Closing the Project: 10 Ways of Embedding Lessons Learned in the Organizational DNA
The value of the project lessons learned process is to transform information into actionable knowledge to improve the outcome of future efforts. If we […]
The value of the project lessons learned process is to transform information into actionable knowledge to improve the outcome of future efforts. If we […]
Lifeguards are taught to only go into the water as a last resort. Going into the water puts both the lifeguard and the victim at […]
Every project manager can construct a good project schedule. Great project managers can take that same body of work and deliver it more quickly without […]
At the weekly executive operational review meeting, the atmosphere was tense. We were having issues with the order processing systems and the sales reps were […]
“Asking the right questions takes as much skill as giving the right answers.” Robert Half It is generally accepted that a conducting lessons learned meeting […]
What do the following have in common? Best Practices, Business Process Re-engineering, Matrix Management, and Management by Objective According to Inc.Com, these are five of […]
Say you are assigned to a new project. What process do you follow to determine your approach to engaging the team? Do you analyze the […]
My company has an active program to hire college graduates. Every summer my team is graced with newly minted graduates who want to rotate through […]