Project Data Visualization
A picture is worth a thousand words. Projects can generate a lot of data. Large, mature organizations generally have the tools to capture, store, and […]
Blogs on project management
A picture is worth a thousand words. Projects can generate a lot of data. Large, mature organizations generally have the tools to capture, store, and […]
Making good decisions is a critical project management skill. The challenge is to create a fair, efficient, effective, and transparent process for our teams and […]
Shift-left is an Agile/DevOps call to action. It signaled the need to address quality sooner. As we adapt to the current dynamics, we should challenge […]
“Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed.” Peter Drucker Time is our only finite resource. We cannot […]
Words matter. Even in project management. Words can carry meaning far beyond their formal definitions. Connotation and perception can have unintended consequences. Even basic project […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will transform project management. Gartner estimated that AI may replace 80% of project management activities by 2030. A recent article in the […]
We make hundreds of assumptions and take small risks daily. Without them, we would spend innumerable hours worrying about everything. We assume our car will […]
Software projects have two measures of success. First, building and implementing working software. Second, having people use and adopt it. Project managers tend to focus […]
Einstein spent the last 30 years of his life searching in vain for a unifying theory of physics. The project management profession has had a […]
The project charter is a foundational deliverable created during the project’s initiation phase. The charter documents the project’s purpose, planned direction, and what is initially […]